Bon Voyage Boss!
Big shocker at work today... it was announced that the head of our centre has decided to move back to Singapore. Her reasons were that her job here is done, the centre is up and running, everything is in place, the students are pouring in... it's time she went back to be with her family. In a way I'm happy for her, to be able to go back to her life back home. But at the same time i feel like I'm losing a friend more than a colleague. She'd been a huge help in getting me settled here. Taking C. and I out, introducing us to all the cool restaurants, giving us survival tips... While others were wishing her the best of luck, i think i was still in denial. I never expected such a move on her part. She's one of the closest friends I have here n to have her go is a pretty big blow. But such is life, n I HAVE been warned time n time again, Shanghai IS a transient city. People come and people go... it's just how it is. Oh well, I wish her the best of luck and a million hugs for being such a wonderful friend.