One of my main reasons of moving to a foreign country is now starting to get on my nerves. Despite my best efforts to be understanding and respectful of the people and their culture, there are times when I just wanna yell and scream and call them names. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate anyone, it's just that it's rather frustrating sometimes to juggle respect for another's culture and way of thinking, ESPECIALLY when it involves efficiency, while scrambling for a deadline. For example, the need to order stationery ONLY when someone needs it instead of buying, let's say a box of 24 pens to keep in store in case anyone needs it. A typical phone call to the stationery shop would go something like this.
"Hello, I'd like to order 1 black ball point pen, 2 rulers, 1 stapler, and 1 highlighter".
The best part is, the store will ACTUALLY DELIVER those 5 items! I'm sorry, but... HUH?! I understand that they had a rough past and it has translated into who they are today, and I respect that. But seriously, sometimes it's hard to keep your cool when you're faced with something as ridiculous as what I've just described.
Now I hate to admit it but once someone gets on my nerves, his name is forever printed in my 'Little Book of People to Avoid and Ignore'. I know I know! It's horrible but I can't help it! Someone at work already has his name carved in stone and I think according to C. he senses it coz he's stopped coming up to me with questions and has momentarily attached himself to her instead (hehehehehhe). Of course then I'll feel guilty and try to make up for it by being extra nice to the fella. :p Sigh... I'm awful. But it's all about the learning, and adapting, being mature and professional... so, I've made a mental note to be a little more patient and just shrug my shoulders and laugh about it... how else will I preserve my sanity?