Saturday, September 16, 2006

Princess cut or round cut?

Received an SMS from an ex-University buddy asking if I could please lend him my female opinion with regards to buying a ring. I happily agreed until it was made clear to me that my 'expertise' was needed to aid in the procuring of THE RING! My first thought was "OMG, what an honour and privilage" followed almost instantly by "OMG how stressful!" I'll be helping this already flustered guy decide which ring to spend $x on and pray that the object of his affections would love it. Needless to say, I had a fabulous time hopping from one jewellery store to another and 'modelling' the rings. And how did he base his decisions? On whether I sat or stood while trying on the rings, whether I squealed in delight or look unimpressed, and the length of time I left the ring on. It took us the whole of 2 hours and revisits to the short listed stores, but he decided on one eventually and is now $8000 poorer. His next dilemma now is should he propse underwater during a dive or on the beach under the stars... DECISIONS DECISIONS! But I love it! *SQUEAL*

*I am now an expert on diamonds and the 4Cs hahahaha*


Anonymous said...

Well, shoulda gone with the underwater version. The beach was great - waves lapping at the shoreline, cool seabreeze, deserted (quite) island. Pity it was overcast and the usually vastly starry sky had not a star to offer.


The CellMate said...

Oh don't worry about it.. the important thing is that she said 'OK'! :D:D:D:D:D:D Sorry I couldn't resist.