Saturday, September 09, 2006


I have finally lost it. That guy has said his last condescending word to me and it was all I could do to bite my tongue and yell "FUCK YOU AND FUCK THE PERFORMANCE!". But I'm a professional and there were customers around (BLEH!!!) Anyhoo, I knew I wouldn't be able to get up on that stage with him and pretend to be all happy happy, so I grabbed one of the directors by the arm and had a little chat with her. I was glad to hear that I'd raised some very valid points (I was afraid I was making a big fuss over little things because of the tension between us) and that the matter would have to be brought up to the principal. I later found out that he's been stepping on ALOT of toes lately so I'm not the only one seething with rage. But I'm gonna put all that behind me now and enjoy myself tonight and the Dinner & Dance by taking full advantage of the free alcohol. WOOHOO!!!!


Anonymous said...

e GUY has natural ability to display his monsterosity acts on n off stage.e director is no different, it's imperative tt they get to squeeze each others balls to promote more brain cells. Stupid ppl r hard to find. please find a cure for these 2 morons!My contribution to society for these hr is to make voodoo dolls.I'm using ice picks instead of needles ;P
P/S Elisa where is my ice pick? Please kindly return it, be4 I tape ur cupboard again. Cheers!

The CellMate said...

MUAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm a little lost though, I know the director but who's the first idiot you speak of? Voodoo dolls sound like a pretty good option... I'll go dig up my knitting needles and screw drivers.

Anonymous said...

Eh!Pucilaa ve temporary amnesia after just THINKING of using vulgarity at him n not really do it izzit? His initial is W.L :P