Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Occupation Hazards

Well what started out as a pretty easy week has taken a rather sour turn... sour as in half-digested milk; sour as in mucus and phlegm... Not mine mind you, but that of a little 2.9 yr-old boy who cried so desperately for his daddy when he was dropped off that he decided to punish the person who so lovingly (and patiently!!!) carried him into class. Despite putting on a clean T-shirt, I can still smell the remnants of his breakfast on my left shoulder. This isn't the first time it's happened, but I just thought I'd like to share an example of the 'dilemmas' I'm faced with at work.

I've had to deal with children who deemed it absolutely necessary to relinquish the control of their bladders at the worst time possible (i.e when I already have 2 of them bawling their eyes out and clinging on to me as though the sky's gonna drop); made to stand while a 2.6 year-old proudly displayed the products of his nasal exploration; not to mention the WWE rehersals they insist on putting on, complete with eye gouging, asphyxiation by lying on opponents face, head butting, swatting, etc... It can be a warzone in there... They're even worse after a birthday party! Which is why I've wised up and now keep the cake and candy feasts till the last half hour of class... let the parents deal with their hyperactive-sugar-high kids.

But every job has it's 'ugly' side... if you can live through those, the joy and satisfaction you receive just watching those precious little one grow and develop right in front of your eyes is amazing. The rewards are enormous and for that I wouldn't mind going home smelling of puke :P

1 comment:

Hiddenson said...

Hello girl,

FCP told me about IM policy :(
Hope you're doing well.