Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Hairy Affair

Whoever perpetuated the belief that women should be hair-free in order to be sexy was an ABSOLUTE ASS!!! It was probably some guy who needed a boost in his monthly razor sales** and decided to prey on one of women's greatest weaknesses... V-A-N-I-T-Y. All it takes is one person to light the match and before you know it, shaving has become a social norm. I take that back... it has become a social must-do! Why am I so annoyed, you ask? Because I admit, I have been sucked into that whole farce and am now trapped in it. It's ridiculous to have to avoid certain clothing because you're not hair-free in certain areas. I want to wear what I want when I want without being shot looks of grimaces (trust me, the comments I have heard about others!) Yes I know it's a choice, that I can throw away my shavers and wax strips, but it's also a choice to run around town topless. You don't see anyone of sound mind doing that do you. Now, not only women but men as well, spend hundreds of dollars on razors, shaving foam, epilators, wax treatments (lord forbid you should grow stubble after you shave) and for what? To be silky smooth for someone else who was conditioned into believing that smooth is good?? That smooth is sexy? PAH! (There are services these days catered to women of a certain ethnicity who due to the 'preferences' of their men, wax their ENTIRE bodies!!) Now for the messed up part of it all, half the time guys don't really care if you're not baby smooth, WE just think they do! That's the fairer sex for you...

I admire women who have enough self-confidence to be able to resist conformity. Unfortunately I'm not as self-assured. On that note, please excuse me while I go wax my legs.

**according to my sister, the history buff, the removal of body hair has been in practice since the time of the Egyptian Pharaos where harem girls were required to remove ALL body hair before visiting the Sultan's bed. I AM NOT A HAREM GIRL!! Why do I want to look like one??**


nana said...

AHAHAHAHA you're funny pris!!

The CellMate said...

One of my frustrations about being female :p