Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Strength of a Woman

For me, the thought of having a child when you're not ready is hard enough, but to have one when you're not ready AND have your boyfriend walk out on you is the absolute pits. I'm not gonna turn this into a bitch fest like I'm tempted to, instead I just want to say how much I admire the woman who accepts the responsibility of having the baby, knowing that it's going to be more than a challenge to be doing it alone, who can put aside her heartache and disbelief at the fact that her partner kicked her out of the apartment and doesn't want to have anything to do with her or the baby; I admire the woman who despite all that, still doesn't want to consider the options that could so easily make everything go away.

So this is to F, who is now the proud mother of a beautiful baby boy, and to J, whose journey is only just beginning. You gals have proved to me that even though women may be stereotyped as the weaker, more emotional sex, they can be so much stronger and braver at the times that really matter.

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