Monday, April 16, 2007

Peace and Quiet

Work these past 2 months or so have been hectic and crazy and wild to say the least. Seeing how the company is still small and new, we tend to handle most of what we never used to do back in Singapore. We've become teacher, operations person, assistant, performer, receptionist all in an environment of screaming, laughing and crying children, and their worried, demanding, fussy parents. It's noise, and talk and people in your face for an entire week, so much so that by the time Friday rolls by, I'm ready to crawl into my bed and stay there (and I work Tuesdays to Saturdays), away from the constant chatter and small-talk, away from people. My room has seriously become my sanctuary. A place where I can have my alone time to do whatver I want, when I want, and that includes having afternoon naps to make up for the fact that I'm generally awake by 6.30 despite it being my off day. I spent part of my Monday last week in a nearby park, soaking in what bit of sun the day had to offer while taking turns people-watching and studying my Spanish. That was a lovely day... just me myself, and peach and quiet... Unfortunately today doesn't hold any of the promise of last week. It appears to be rather windy outside and there's barely any sun. Darn...

*The mum's are all generally lovely... I'm just being a grouch :p*

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